It's time to stop thinking that Wills and planning for the future is are only about death.

  • Gain peace of mind: embrace the comfort of knowing your loved ones are protected. With us, planning for the future is a reassuring act of love, not just a piece of paper. It's about living with serenity, confident that your wishes will be honoured, no matter what lies ahead.

  • Craft your legacy with care: we understand that estate planning is a testament to the life you've lived and the love you hold for your family. It's a responsible, caring act that ensures your legacy is marked by thoughtfulness and consideration.

  • Enjoy present moments more fully: our approach to Wills and Estate planning offers an immediate sense of relief and clarity. By securing your future, you free yourself to enjoy today without the burden of uncertainty. We're here to help lift that weight, allowing you to cherish life's precious moments.


We handle the whole kit and kaboodle. Your Will, Lasting Power of Attorney, Advanced Directive, Medical Power of Attorney, and Memorandum of Wishes. We are here for all your eventualities, all your questions and to ensure that your loved ones are looked after.


We love the feeling that being organised brings, and we know it's often easier if you've got someone to help you get all your ducks in a row. It's hard enough for our loved ones to deal with the grief of our passing, without families arguing over the details of the funeral and estate.

"Excellent company"

"This Company has gone above and beyond in helping me

I would highly recommend them

If you want the best service and price

These are the people!"

Pat Smallwood, UK



We believe that having a Will is essential for everyone.

It's the best way to ensure that your possessions, savings, and personal treasures are passed on according to your wishes.

Without a Will, the government dictates the distribution of your estate, a situation you can easily avoid with our help. Plus, a Will allows you to appoint trusted Executors, ensuring your legacy is managed with the care it deserves.


We guide you in creating a LPA, a crucial document that empowers your chosen 'Attorneys' to make decisions on your behalf if you're ever unable to.

We ensure your LPA is registered with the Office of Public Guardian, providing peace of mind that your affairs will be in trusted hands if needed. Remember, an LPA can only be established while you have the mental capacity to do so, making it a vital step in planning for your future with certainty and care.



We specialise in transforming your property ownership to 'Tenants in Common', a savvy move that can significantly reduce Inheritance Tax liabilities and protect your equity.

This simple yet effective change ensures that each owner has a distinct share, providing financial security and peace of mind.

Our efficient process and affordable fees make it easy for you to safeguard your property investment for the future.


We offer home visits within our local community. Chat with us in the comfort of your own home about the details of your life, family, medical and financial situations so we can advise you about the best course of action.

We can work out of hours if required, and we are a husband and wife team that really does care.

Click here to read more about us before you choose us as your guide on this journey.



We help you understand the more complex financial aspects of wills, trusts and asset distribution and we have strong partnerships with local companies in the financial sector who we can call upon as needed.

"From our first appointment to the last "

"From our first appointment to the last my wife and myself were made to feel very welcome by Robert & Carol. We felt very comfortable and no pressure / hard sell on the two issues we were there to get legal advice on. The legal advice on wills and deeds was excellent. We would highly recommend this company a pleasurable service. 10/10."

Steve & Mandy, UK

Why choose Robert Shaw & Co?

At Robert Shaw & Co, we're here to ensure that your estate planning is a source of comfort, not stress.

Understanding that every family is unique, we offer personalised guidance to suit your specific needs.

For your convenience, we provide home visits within our local community and offer flexible hours to accommodate your schedule.

We're dedicated to making your experience as easy and supportive as possible.

We are a small, family business that really does care.


Maureen - Birmingham

"Thank you so much for your kindness during a very difficult time, You made the process much easier for us."

Elaine - Solihull

"Thanks for understanding exactly what I needed to say in my Will and making sense of my requirements."

Kath - Birmingham

"I was so pleased that you offered to do a home visit for me to sort out my Will and LPA. Really helpful."

Keith - Oxford

"Your advice regarding tenants in common was extremely helpful and I was very grateful for the information you gave me."

Alan & Vivien - W Mids

"We kept changing our minds about what we wanted in our wills, you were so kind and provided several versions so we could see what it looked like before we continued."

Chris - Staffordshire

"I'm more than happy referring my clients to you for Wills and LPA's. Prompt and professional service every time."


What happens if I don't update my Will?

What happens if I don't update my Will?

August 16, 20234 min read

You might be one of the few who actually has a Will in place, but when did you last take a look and check it's still fit for purpose?

Here's a few pointers for you:

 When should I update my will?

Not keeping your will updated can cause big issues for your loved ones after you're gone.

Life is always changing, and if you don't regularly update your will, it can lead to confusion and disagreements among your family. People who were once important to you might be left out, and others who don’t want part of your will may be left with your assets.

Let's make sure your will is always in sync with your wishes and keeps your loved ones well taken care of.

When is a good time to update my will?  

1. Significant life events:

Major life events are the perfect cues to review and update your will. Events like:

  • Marriage

  • Divorce

  • Birth of children

By updating your will to include or remove beneficiaries or appoint new guardians, you can ensure your loved ones are properly provided for.

2. Changes in family dynamics:

As time goes on, family dynamics may shift, and relationships can change. Beneficiaries who were once relevant to your will may no longer play a significant role in your life, while new individuals may have become important. By updating your will to reflect these changes, you prevent confusion and potential disputes among your loved ones.

 3. Financial milestones:

Life's financial journey can be filled with ups and downs. Acquiring new assets, selling existing ones, or experiencing fluctuations in your wealth are moments that necessitate revising your will. Ensuring your will aligns with your current financial situation helps secure your legacy and maintains your desired asset distribution.

 4. You start or acquire a new business

Starting a business is a big step that affects many areas of your life. Updating your will during this time is crucial for:

  • Reflecting business assets

  • Designating successors

  • Protecting your family

  • Considering taxes

  • Adjusting beneficiaries

  • Planning for business succession

  • Addressing debts

 5. Relocation or change in residence:

Moving to a new country can have legal implications on your will. Laws governing wills and estates can vary, and updating your will to comply with the laws of your new location is essential to ensure its validity.

 6. Time since your last update:

Even if you haven't experienced any significant life changes, it's a good idea to review your will every few years.

Time can pass quickly, and regular updates ensure your will remains relevant and aligned with your current wishes and situation.

Our will refresh service gives you peace of mind knowing that your legacy will be preserved, and your loved ones will be taken care of just as you intended.

Schedule a will update consultation today and we can help update your will.

Frequently asked questions 

Why is it essential to keep my will updated?

At Robert Shaw & Co, we always emphasise the importance of regularly updating your will to ensure it accurately reflects your current wishes and life circumstances.

Life is always changing, and an outdated will may not distribute your assets as you intend, leading to potential confusion and disputes among your loved ones.

How long does it take to update my will?

It can take 24-48 hours depending on how fast you need your will updating. All we need is a copy of your current will to get started.

What complications can arise if I don't update my will?

Neglecting to update your will can lead to your assets not being distributed who you want, exclusion of new beneficiaries, potential legal challenges, and inefficiencies in tax planning. These complications can put emotional strain on your family and may result in delays and increased expenses during the probate process.

How can updating my will prevent disputes among my loved ones?

By updating your will, you have the opportunity to clarify what you really want to happen and include new people who have become significant in your life. Clearly stating your wishes reduces the likelihood of family disputes, promoting harmony during challenging times.

 What if my financial situation changes?

Life's financial circumstances can fluctuate, and it's so important to update your will accordingly. Regular updates ensure that your will reflects your current assets, investments, and financial goals, making it easier to secure your legacy for your beneficiaries.

How often should I update my will?

We recommend reviewing your will every few years or whenever significant life events occur, such as marriage, divorce, birth of children, or acquiring new assets. Regular updates keep your will relevant and aligned with your current wishes and situation. We are always on hand to help and help you through your life changes.

How does a will update work?

We can look at your current will, whether it was created by us or elsewhere. We will perform a detailed analysis on your current will that will highlight a simplified version of what will happen according to your will after you die. We’d also highlight any areas of concern. We’ll then work with you to refresh your will based on your current circumstances.

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Robert Shaw & Company

181 Church Road, Yardley, Birmingham B25 8UR Tel: 0333 240 0851 (local call rate)


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